Product Description
Lux Meter kualitas baik dengan spec tinggi. Bisa mengukur di rentang 0 sampai 200.000 Lux
Lux meter adalah alat pengukur tingkat pencahayaan suatu ruangan. Setiap tempat dengan fungsi yang berbeda akan membutuhkan intensitas pencahayaan yang berbeda. Contoh: Kamar tidur tingkat pencahayaannya yg diperlukan berbeda dengan Pabrik, Kantor, Ruang Ibadah
A light meter is a device used to measure the amount of light. In photography, a light meter is often used to determine the proper exposure for a photograph. Typically a light meter will include a computer, either digital or analog, which allows the photographer to determine which shutter speed and f-number should be selected for an optimum exposure, given a certain lighting situation and film speed
High Accuracy and rapid response
Auto Zeroing
Over-range indication
Unit and Sign display for easy reading
Data Hold
Low power consumption
Short rise and fall time
Display: 3-1/2 digit 18mm LCD
Power: 9V battery
Ranges: 0.1-200/2,000/20,000/200,000 Lux
3% 10 digits (0-20,000 lux)
5% 10 digits (over 20,000 Lux)
Repeatability: 2%
Temperature Characteristic: 0.1%C
Photo detector type: Silicon Photo Diode with Filter
Operating temperature: 32-104 degrees F (0-40 degrees C)
Sampling rate: 2-3 times per second
Website :
No Kantor : 021-2943 2095
No HP : 0813 1122 7684
Email : [email protected]